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Meet Rashawna

“I had struggled with infertility for years. There were lots of prayers, tears, hoping, and praying that God would bless me to be a mother.” Rashawna’s prayers were eventually answered with a daughter and then a son. “My son was due on Mother’s Day and my daughter on Father’s Day. To me, that just glorifies Him, which is all I want to do with my life.”

Rashawna became a single parent soon after her son was born. She humbly reflects on her journey through divorce and becoming a single parent saying, “Being a single parent has taught me to be more responsible and to put the needs of others before my own. I know that I can overcome obstacles with confidence while learning to accept the good and bad experiences I have had on my journey. I am not where I want to be but not where I used to be!”

Being a single parent has also brought on a lot of challenges for Rashawna, including prioritizing quality time for her children. “I get emotional when thinking about this… When I come home, I am physically and mentally tired and just want to go to my room. Sometimes I feel like I have to force myself to get out of my bed and that makes me feel guilty. I love them and want to be with them, but I am also whooped by the end of the day.” Rashawna has found scheduling things like Friday pizza nights and Saturday family nights have helped. “I want them to see and know I love them and am being intentional spending time with them no matter how tired I am.”

Rashawna finds strength in the challenging times through her faith in God. “I had support from my family and church, and I deeply appreciate that. But I didn’t have a lot of consistent financial or emotional support. I think that actually helped strengthen my faith, because I was forced to lean on God more.” Rashawna hopes to pass on her deep faith to her children. “I love watching my children grow into the man and woman He has created them to be. We have unlimited access to His unconditional love. I tell them it is okay to be a taker, but it is better to be a giver because it is so much more gratifying when you can help those less fortunate than yourself. Nothing sets my soul on fire like doing something for someone less fortunate than me. I can put aside my own worries and help to make someone’s life better. I want to have such a positive impact on this world that my children and loved ones will know it is better to give than receive.”

Rashawna’s message to other single parents is to “walk by faith and not by sight. God loves you and is always by your side. You don’t have to see it to believe it. If He is for you nobody can be against you, and He will turn your pain to purpose and your troubles to triumph. I know this because He has done it for me.” She also adds, “It is easy to get offended by something someone says or does but learn to not take things personally. It will steal your joy. Don’t internalize it because it’s not about you as much as it is something that needs to heal in them.”

Living her life to be an encouragement and have a positive impact on others is Rashawna’s passion and it is evident in her life. “I am not going through single parenthood; I am getting through it by the grace of Jesus Christ! I am passionately pursuing my dreams and becoming the best version of me I can possibly be. You don’t always see what others are going through so if sharing my story can impact someone, that’s great!”

Rashawna’s journey with Single Parent Provision began many years ago when she attended her first Single Moms Christmas Dinner. “It has become one of my favorite traditions. Honestly, I get a little sad when it’s over because I think now I have to wait a whole year for the next one!” This year, Rashawna served as a Table Host for the Single Moms Christmas Dinner. She is also a regular member of one of our Single Moms Groups.

Keep shining your light bright, Rashawna! Your faith and story are an inspiration to many. 

Published February 2023

2041 Grand Ave | Suite D

West Des Moines, IA | 50265


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