The Family Gift Market is a free event and unique opportunity for single parents and their children to shop for one another at Christmas! As a volunteer of this event, you get to play the role of shopping assistant helping kiddos select, wrap, and label a gift for their registered parent, while parents shop in an adjacent room selecting a gift for each one of their children. Cookies and cocoa are available for families (and volunteers) to enjoy when their shopping is done.
Children may volunteer with you but should be old enough to work independently of you if necessary during the event. Please provide your children's names and ages when you register.
To volunteer, click the register button, choose your shift, and complete the required fields. (Volunteering for the full shift is helpful if you are able.) A background check is required for all volunteers 18 and older. You will receive the link to complete it in your confirmation email, or you can access it here.
It's a special afternoon for families and volunteers, so please consider signing up to help make it happen!
**Please note, this is the registration to use to VOLUNTEER at Family Gift Market.**
2041 Grand Ave | Suite D
West Des Moines, IA | 50265
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Single Parent Provision is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization